
We are very excited to advise that we have changed our name to the Living by Giving Trust! Each of our five founding Trustees have considerable experience working with charities whose focus is to better the lives of adults and children with disabilities and illnesses by providing them and their families with various forms of respite.

These experiences of working with so many remarkable people has brought us together and influenced us to create the Living by Giving Trust, so that we can further these original goals and to better peoples lives.

Please bookmark us today.

Welcome to a new chapter and a new charity.

Cycle ride to Lourdes

Congratulations to Patrick Noble, Matthew Sharrock & their support team (Alex Turvey, James Walden, Dail Maudsley) who took up the formidable challenge of cycling from London to Lourdes (a distance of approximately 600 miles in 6 days) to raise money for the Glanfield Children’s Group and the Derian House. Please view our Projects page for more information.

After arriving on 20 August, they immediately started work in the Glanfield Children’s Group for the whole week.

Well done to them for this amazing achievement.

Photos (c) Dail Maudsley

Helping an Orphanage

In January 2010, much of Peru was hit by heavy flooding. It was the worst seen in decades; over 3,000 homes were destroyed and thousands of residents had to evacuate, struggling in a constant battle to prevent their homes being consumed by the rising flood waters.

At the time, GHT was not a registered charity, but looking to seize the initiative we were able to work in conjunction with The Latin American Foundation for the Future (LAFF), registered UK Charity # 1125872, to assist in the coordination of an emergency relief effort to support an orphanage in the area of Azul Wasi, to evacuate, construct flood barriers, and provide shelter, food, water, supervision and care for the children.

As part of LAFF’s Appeal, GHT was able to use its contacts within HSBC Latin America to acquire vital tools and volunteers from surrounding areas to help build defences against the flooding riverbanks.

LAFF recently advised that the children were successfully evacuated from the home and temporarily housed whilst with the help of volunteers created a flood barrier wall to protect the home. They are now working to repair any temporary damage, and the children are safely back at the home, and able to start back at school in the new academic year.

GHT & LAFF are extremely grateful for all the volunteer support and donations received at this crucial time which ensured that the home now still stands and the children remained safe throughout.
For more information on The Latin American Foundation for the Future and their continuing work in the area, view here.

Digging a trench next to the Orphanage.jpeg
Some of the Grateful Children.jpeg
Volunteer Workers on Site at Azul Wasi.jpeg
Temporary Housing for Children & Volunteers.jpeg

Trust-ing in people’s goodness

I’m writing this short blog on a train travelling from York down to London where we’re about to have the first meeting of the trustees of the Glanfield Hospitalite Trust. It’s an exciting occasion because I know there’s so much energy and enthusiasm out there amongst people who want to make the world a better and more loving place, and GHT is going to do its best to help them help others.

Almost as exciting… once the trustees have got through the agenda – a heavy one for our first meeting – we’re going to have a curry together. It’s hard work doing stuff for charity!


Three Peaks Challenge 2010

Katy Berezovsky, Lucy Cannock, Stephen Daly, Kathryn Geels & David Pitkin, (accompanied by their resident driver and motivational coordinator Andrew Loynd,) have kindly volunteered to take part in The Living by Giving Trust Three Peaks Challenge 2010.

The Living by Giving Three Peaks Challenge took place on the evening of 15th July 2010 and involved climbing the highest peak in Scotland, England and Wales, within 24 hours.

The Highest Peaks in each country are:
Ben Nevis, in Scotland (1344m)
Scafell Pike, in England (978m)
Snowdon, in Wales (1085m)

Please sponsor us generously to support this truly worthy cause by visiting our Living by Giving sponsorship site here.